Tag: ai

How AI will change mobile app development in 2024

We believe in the potential of artificial intelligence and its promising future in mobile app development. Our team is focusing on five key trends that will be closely monitored throughout the year. Democratising Artificial Intelligence French...

Business use cases of Sora AI

Business use cases of Sora AI Model developed by Open AI

In this article, Firstly i’ll explain what is Sora AI model from Open AI and then eventually lets dig deeper into business use cases of Sora AI. Open AI has been extensively contributing to the AI industry before with their text to text...

Bard to Gemini

Google renames Bard to Gemini

Today Google renames Bard to Gemini officially and released the mobile apps for Gemini. The rumours have been going around for the past few days and it is officially live now. Basically, Gemini Ultra 1.0 AI is the advanced version of Bard AI. Read...

Yokesh Sankar

Technical Consultant - Blockchain Advisor - Project Manager

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